
Acceptance, Rejection, and Where I Land

The "Good" since August:

1. Three poems accepted by Midwest Literary Magazine. (Read here:
2. One rejection was kind of hopeful and had some positive feedback.
3. Another acceptance but before I list where I want to make sure it isn't a mistake. Yes, it is horrible. There goes the confidence thing.

The "Bad" since August:

1. More rejections
2. Writing has been harder for me these last few months sans when I am inspired.
3. I am beginning to think one of my short stories is destined for death row.
***The one acceptance wants a biography and a photo. The biography part scares the bejabbers out of me!

Bottom line: I am excited about the acceptances but I am getting battered by rejections this past week. (I would say three within a week and a half.) It doesn't hit me as hard now that I have a couple of places saying, "Hey, you may be better than you give yourself credit for." That's all I can hope for these days.

-Jennifer Jackson

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