
Writer Wish List

The list of supplies is fairly generous for writers but we always seem to want something more or new.  It may be a manual on writing, a magazine subscription, a new laptop, shiny pencils, or something slightly odd. 

I want to know:  What is it your writer self is coveting right now?  Do you see yourself getting it any time soon?  Does buying yourself stuff for your writing make you more productive?

Right now, I want an Alphasmart word processor.  It is archaic but blessedly rugged and portable.  I am not sure if I am going to get a used 3,000 or a Neo.  Everyone says Neo is better but I really need a sturdy keyboard to get me through and I am not sure Neo has one.  We'll see.  If you have ever had one, let me know how you liked/hated it.


  1. Honestly, all I want right now is more time to write. The day seems to go by so quickly.

    1. How we all want time! lol I wish I had more "inspired" time. I sometimes feel as though I am doing things for everyone else but me.

  2. I want to attend a writer's conference. That's on my list now. I hope to give it to myself sometime in the near future :)

    1. There is an online one I have been looking into. It has discussions, workshops, even pitch time with editors. I think it is called MuseLit Online Writers' Conference or something. They ask for a donation but it is free if you can't afford it.

  3. I want a lot of pens and Post Its and time. That's all :) Haha, great question, though!

    1. You seem to go through a lot of Post Its. lol
      Do you do projects long-hand?
