
My Birthday Presents!

Celebrated my birthday yesterday, with some of the best writers of all time.  Poe wasn't much for conversation, and Shakespeare kept trying to prank ol' Mark Twain.  All in all, it was a very good time.


  1. Happy Belated Birthday. You celebrated with the best, I see.

  2. The picture made me laugh. Happy Birthday!

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  3. Thank you both for the birthday wishes! It means a lot.

    I have these figures parked right in front of my television. My husband put them there and, at first, I wasn't sure about their placement. Now I am.

    Just wondering: Would you (or any writer you know) like getting one of these? I bought a second set and was thinking about giving one away per month (maybe starting in April).

  4. I'm sure there are many who would enjoy this sort of thing. I'm not in the market for any since I've been in more of a getting rid of things mode.

    April? A to Z? Traffic? Hmmm. You would want to have adequate traffic for an effective give away.

    Just thinking aloud.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    A Faraway View

    1. You made me chuckle. I could post in advance but, I'll be so busy writing, I won't have time to make it to other blogs. That's not nice or fair. I have been visiting the blogs of people already signed up and following who I find interesting.

  5. Aren't those just the cutest? Although they'd probably freak me out if I stumbled past them in the middle of the night on the way to the bathroom or something!

    1. They stare at me when I sleep and it doesn't freak me out. There are vinyl characters now with large, black eyes that I wouldn't want, though!

  6. Belated birthday greetings. Sounds like a great celebration! :) More details on the pranks please.

    1. I'm going to end up giving away one of each figure in the months to come. Maybe they'll have pranks and adventures with other people!
