
Today is My Birthday

Hopefully, as you read this, I will be out celebrating birthdays with my husband (mine and his).  We turn 31 today.  I say "hopefully" because I've had a virus I can't shake for a couple weeks now, and I'm not sure if going out will be good for me.  So, eat a piece of cake for me in case I can't.


  1. Congratulations...and you guys are so YOUNG! Hope you're having fun.

  2. That's so cool you and your husband share the same birthday! Have a lovely time celebrating and a wonderful year ahead.

  3. Yay! Hope you felt good enough for some celebrating.

  4. Thank you, everyone. No, we didn't go out to celebrate as I was (and still am) not feeling well. But we did get many well-wishes and my family did bring over the coveted Chinese food.

  5. I missed your birthday. Hope you feel better and had fun. How cool to share a birthday with your husband.

  6. Happy Birthday belatedly! I'd be happy to just stay the age I am now and not get any older. Or maybe start regressing and get younger knowing all that I've learned so far.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out
